Saturday, February 28, 2009
Shareware Glossary
ARPANET: An early name for the Internet.
Author: A person who wrote a program (or book).
Bandwidth: The measurement of the amount of data that can be transported in x time.
BBS: An electronic Bulletin Board System that allowed people to post and read information.
Beta: A test release of a program (beta version).
Bug: A problem in program.
Byte: Also known as binary term, a byte is a measure of data storage. 1,048,576 bytes is equal to 1 megabytes and 1,073,741,824 bytes is equal to one gigabyte. That's a lot of bytes!
CD: Also known as compact disk, disks used to store data such as music, or software.
Crack: To get into someone's computer.
Crippleware: Limiting software's functionality as a purchase incentive.
Database: Also known as DB, it is sort of like a file cabinet inside your computer.
Developer: Someone who develops software.
Diskettes: Also known as floppy disk. (see floppy disk)
Disk Vendor: A person who collects trial versions of shareware puts them on a CD and sells them.
Download: A program you can collect off the Internet.
Download site: A website where someone can download software.
Electronic delivery: Delivering solely through the Internet or email.
Email: An electronic mailing system.
Firewall: A wall between your computer and the internet preventing access to your computer.
Freeware: Free software.
Floppy Disk: Also called floppy or diskette a floppy does the same job as a CD, it stores information, however a CD stores way more megabytes.
FTP: File Transfer Protocol.
Gigabyte: Also known as G or GB it is a measure of data storage. It contains 1,073,741,824 bytes, or 1,024 megabytes.
Hacker: Someone who breaks into computer systems and puts in extra data or uses data.
Hardware locking: A registration method locking software to a user's specific company.
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
Internet: A connection of computers and info all over the world.
Megabyte: Also known as M or MB, a megabyte is a measure of data storage. There are 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte and 1,048,576 bytes in a megabyte.
MILNET: An early name for the Internet.
Network: Computers connected together.
Online Fraud: Purchasing with a stolen credit card.
Online ordering: A secure link allowing purchases on the Internet.
Operating System: An operating system organizes and controls all of the programs you run on your computer.
PC: A Personal computer.
Program: A software application.
Programming language: A language a computer and a human can understand. Some programming languages are binary code, machine code, C, C++, Delphi, GameMaker, and Visual Basic.
Publisher: Someone who distributes software
Registration Company: An online ordering company
Shareware: A kind of marketing method. (see try before you buy)
Software Piracy: Stealing software.
S= =R: S= =R means the Shareware Version must equal the registered version. It was made by the ASP.
Trial ware: Software you can try prior to purchasing.
Try before you buy: A marketing method where a person can use a trial version of the software before buying.
URL: Uniform Resource Locator-web address.
Users: Someone who uses a programmer's software.
Virus: A dangerous computer program that can erase files cause other programs to not function properly, or even open your database to people.
WWW: WWW is World Wide Web abbreviated
Resale Terminology - for purposes of this website the following definitions explain the breakdown of sites we used.
Retailer | "Store front" or company with retail precense reselling the products to consumer(s) |
Reseller | Reselling the products to consumer |
Distributor | Company selling to resellers or retailers, require more significant discount, capable of large volumes. |
VAR | Value Added Reseller |
Consumer | End user |

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